2025 Back to the keyboard.
John Can't Jump is still progressing nicely. I've tidied up a few bits of code, corrected a few errors, worked out scoring (and the purpose of the timer... You'll have to try and beat my time at the levels for a bonus!)
I'm now in the process of creating levels. I'm going to try to make them interesting, some challenging, but we'll see how that goes. The first few levels introduce the mechanics and the what each item does. I'm aiming for 30-40 levels (not including the introductory stages) but we'll see how much variety I can put into the levels before they become a bit samey and dull.
It's nice to have a bit of a brain refresh post Christmas (and pre-Christmas). Let's see how these levels go. (Levels being designed "old school" on sheets of graph paper ... which seems to be working so far).
Hopefully the finished game will appear late January, and then I'll move onto other things. This game has developed out of a "proof of concept" for a different game, so expect to see some techniques reused in the future.
John Can't Jump
Help John escape from a series of locked rooms. Should be easy, but John can't jump.
Status | In development |
Author | io.rrwm |
Genre | Puzzle |
Tags | 8-Bit, Puzzle-Platformer, ZX Spectrum |
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