2024-06-21: Shovel Duck II : Bonus Game 3 : A Mouseive Panic - some more bugfixes

Hopefully this is the last of the bugs sorted out. Thank you to XoRRoX for a lot of help and assistance in identifying the bug that was making the top couple of lines have invisible sprites. The game is meant to be challenging, but invisible baddies is a challenge too far in my book.

The issue was somehow tied into the intro menu, and was triggered if you redefined the keys. The fix was to not return to the intro menu after redefining the keys, but to start the game immediately. Why this caused the issue, and why this fixed the issue... I don't know.  The important thing is it is fixed.

Of course, after working out the fix, I did then tweak a few of the level designs and (hopefully) fix an occasional issue that I'd seen. (The occasional error being where skulls fall into holes but end up between the hole and the level below and get a bit stuck... hopefully this fix will stop that occasional and hard to replicate error from occurring again ... and ... more importantly... hopefully it hasn't broken anything additionally that had been working previously.

I've tested this version in InkSpector, SpecEmu, Fuse and Speccy and all look to be running correctly. (Animated gif recorded from Inkspector rather than Fuse this time around).

If anyone notices any issues, please let me know; especially if there are any game-breaking ones.

Thank you again to XoRRoX for helping identify the bug. Hopefully that is it for this one and I'll get back to my plan for the next bonus game... fingers crossed...


SDII-SMO-AMP20240627.tap 42 kB
11 days ago

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Nice job fixing it. Glad to have been of help.