2024-04-08 Weekend update

After watching some video footage of people playing the demo of the game, a few tweaks were made to the Demo and shared. However, I felt that maybe people weren't getting enough of a chance to read instructions and be given advise on how to play (particularly how things like wall jumping and wall falling worked) so I've re-worked the intro menu screen to give more information and to make it obvious something is happening and it might be worth watching to see what is said.

I've also not been happy with the lack of death animation. However, unfortunately, due to the design of the screen the death animation I had created really didn't look that good with the background... so I've taken a frame from the animation to use for the "Game lost" screen.

I've also been working a little on the 2nd level - and am currently working on screen design and screen-puzzles. The actual "what you have to do and how you get back into the mine" bit has already been created and it's just working out how you get to all the bits you need to proceed.

It's definitely getting there. The aim for this week is to get the majority of the 2nd level sorted and to start work on the 3rd level. 

There's also been a few tweaks to the some of the screen (de-emphasizing some of the bounce-flap hints; hopefully the in-game instructions will help with that).

Lots of good progress.
If you haven't tried the demo yet, feel free to.


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hi. this is the same file that you posted 4 days ago :)

Ah wasn't meant to include the file, just a general progress update rather than a new version. Probably the next version will be the final one :-) but I think that will be sometime next month.
